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来源: | 作者:profed5ca94 | 发布时间: 2021-02-01 | 2531 次浏览 | 分享到:





1.1 There are a variety of drying equipment, technology applications, including hot air drying is one of the most commonly used equipment, but the work of energy consumption and gradually narrow the scope of application; another desiccant drying and vacuum drying equipment, both their respective advantages, the following description of the desiccant to do alone, the proposed use.

1.2 Dehumidifier Works



1.2.1 keep the dew point -40 ℃, removal of water, so that the hot air blown into the hopper is almost without water.

1.2.2 The cycle of water use with hot and humid air in the air at the exit and re-sent to the site prior to removal of zeolite water inlet, used hot air full access to the next link, there is no point to all of the heat losses are re-used up, so energy saving and environmental protection.

1.2.3 All process parameters are entered directly through the touch contacts, simple and clear.

1.2.4 Working status of various parameters directly reflected in the display, and built-save feature, working conditions can be preserved complete.

1.2.5 machines with the alarm function, can automatically detect whether the normal operation of the machine, the machine failure rate when used at the lowest level.

1.3 The main components Dehumidifier

1.3.1 Touch Screen

Running on the machine control, so that unit's work is carried out in accordance with the requirements set by the; to the various work units to control accurately the feedback, easy to set up command central controller compared with the actual process parameters, time error correction; through the contact of fast on / off distinction unit closer to the actual operating parameters to set parameters.

1.3.2 cyclone separation device

Granules of the gap between the moving part of air containing fine dust particles are the separation device block down, the passing air flow is relatively Jie Jing's. Observed by differential pressure devices, direct knowledge of air circulation in the flow channel, the need to quickly clean-up filter, the air flow in the dust easily adhere to the above, in order to facilitate better cleaning. Time separation of the gas in the dust particles, keeping the dryer's gas through the flow maintained a drying efficiency.

1.3.3 Renewable wind added

Some of the additional gas flow filter, so that this part of the gas is consistent with the requirements of molecular sieve desiccant. Typically filter cloth with hair-hole stone, clean up easily.

1.3.4 Zeolites

The molecular sieve has holes with water in a slow rotation (rotation) of the screen, there are 1 / 3 of the regional set up regeneration temperature, the temperature of the region make water gasification can quickly evaporate, so after regeneration of molecular sieve after drying is still completely dry. This constant cycle. Maintain the smooth hole sieve, which maintained a good drying efficiency.




Atmospheric environment with a certain humidity of gas, after the dew point is -40 ℃ in about zeolite pore filter, the water molecules left in the sieve hole, through the air is almost no water, so to maintain the best drying results.

1.3.5 Filtration

In a closed air loop, installed in the control cabinet in the filter, the airflow through the filter, purify the air before the molecular sieve, molecular sieve permeability protect and prolong its life role.

1.3.6 Cooling Device

Air in the drying out of the loop tube gas, into the cooler, so the actual temperature of these gases below 60 ℃, then the gas has been cooling off into the molecular sieve desiccant. Extend the life of the role.